Trans student allegedly told by SDSU staff to get out of men’s locker room

SAN DIEGO — A transgender graduate student using the men’s locker room in the Aztec Recreation Center (ARC) gym at San Diego State University (SDSU) allegedly was told by ARC staff that “she” needed to leave the men’s locker room. Graduate student A. T. Furuya identifies as a genderqueer and transmasculine — transmasculine referring to…

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Mayor Faulconer’s ‘State of the City’

The annual “State of…” speeches by presidents, governors and mayors have become an American tradition when they inform citizens what their priorities, mayoral projects and goals for the year will be. City Council candidate Chris Ward picked me up and we went to hear Mayor Faulconer’s first such address. It was a good, solid, well…

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California dreaming

We know California is a big state with a big economy, big trees and lots of people. But these generalities do not begin to suggest the magnitude, magnificence and only-in-a-dream realities of this truly wonderful place. So this week, we’re hitting the highlights, and every entry should be punctuated with a wow. Let’s just start…

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