Save the date: April 30 is ninth annual ‘Dining Out for Life San Diego’

San Diego’s ninth annual Dining Out For Life® event, which allows everyone to help raise funds for the San Diego LGBT Community Center’s HIV/AIDS programs by simply dining out for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at participating restaurants, takes place Thursday, April 30. More than 75 participating San Diego restaurants, bars, coffee shops and ice cream…

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Fifth annual ‘Ex 4 Vets’ event to be held May 2

SAN DIEGO -This year’s Ex4Vets invites San Diego college students, military personnel and the general public to an hour-long workout at San Diego State University’s Student Union on May 2, 2015. The event, formerly took place on deck of the USS Midway. This year’s location change will accommodate increased attendance from years past. The event…

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Second robber in Hillcrest, Golden Hill hold-ups admits guilt, accepts seven years prison

The second robber in 11 hold-ups and attempted robberies in Hillcrest, Golden Hill and elsewhere pleaded guilty Monday to committing two hold-ups. Joseph Andres Garcia, 20, has agreed to accept a 7-year term in state prison, said Deputy District Attorney Michael MacNeil. The sentencing for the getaway driver, Benjamin Hernandez, 24, is set for April…

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The San Diego Museum of Art celebrates ‘Art Alive 2015’

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – The San Diego Museum of Art will be transformed into a gorgeous vision of art and flowers as more than 100 floral designers bring the Museum’s renowned Permanent Collection to life during the 34th annual Art Alive. The Museum’s signature fundraiser and a highly anticipated San Diego tradition, Art Alive 2015…

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LGBT Resource Center celebrates 15 years of changing the culture at UC San Diego

The last campus in the UC system to have an LGBT office, today the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center at UC San Diego is one of the largest in the nation. In the early 1990s, concerned staff, faculty and student activists sought to establish a Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center at the University of California,…

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Study reveals that smokers who use e-cigarettes less likely to quit

The rapid increase in use of e-cigarettes has led to heated debates between opponents who question the safety of these devices and proponents who claim the battery-operated products are a useful cessation tool. A study, published online  April 16 in the American Journal of Public Health, suggests proponents are in error. University of California, San…

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New collaboration of partners to better serve the LGBTQ community to be launched April 17

Key LGBTQ resource providers and 2-1-1 San Diego have begun planning the launch of an LGBTQ resource navigation line. This discussion will take place over the next several months with the end goal being a line staffed by specialists who are not only knowledgeable of available resources, but are also keenly aware of the particular…

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It’s not elective surgery

Last week a Northern Federal Court Judge ruled that an inmate should be granted sexual reassignment surgery. Judge Jon S. Tigar said Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, 51, should be entitled to gender reassignment surgery because it was the “only adequate” treatment for her condition. Let the silly politicization of the issue begin. Failed Congressional candidate Carl DeMaio…

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