2015 Pride Health Challenge launches: Meet the contestants

pride prīd/ noun: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired verb: To be especially proud of a particular quality or skill The inaugural 2015 Pride Health Challenge is about transformation; helping…

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Frenchie Davis joins the San Diego Women’s Chorus for an exclusive performance in San Diego

“I want to live my life and create art that inspires people to be brave and courageous. To believe in themselves and never take no for an answer.” — Frenchie Davis There are a lot of people, and performers, who have looked in the face of adversity and said “Think what you wish, I’m going…

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Democratic options for the 2016 San Diego mayoral race

Democratic discussions of the 2016 San Diego mayoral race were long focused on one question: “Todd or Toni?” Some thought Assembly Speaker Atkins fundraising and connections gave her the best chance to defeat Mayor Faulconer. Others thought “iMayor” Gloria, who skipped the special election to put the city first, was the better option. Most were…

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