LGBT newspaper San Diego

Caroline Kennedy signs on for gay marriage in NYC

Political icon and previous candidate for a U.S. Senate seat on behalf of New York State Caroline Kennedy has joined the national effort towards legalizing gay marriage. Supporters of same-sex marriage have begun a petition to President Obama asking for nationwide implementation of legal marriage between gay, lesbian and transgender couples. Kennedy’s was the 100,000th…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

Santorum announces opposition to incorporation of gay history in California curricula

Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) has spoken out expressing his disapproval of a measure currently moving through California’s legislature that would compel state schools to add gay history to education curricula. If the measure passes, San Diego gay and lesbian history, not to mention that of gay rights activists across the nation, could one day…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

National Organization for Marriage launches New York campaign, pledges election funds for 2012

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the nation’s premier pro-marriage group, has begun a $500,000 advertising campaign in New York to fight against same-sex marriage advocates. The organization has also pledged $1 million to all legislative efforts in the interest of defending marriage, promising to support all Democratic State Legislators who vote to uphold a…

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