Gay News - San Diego

Appeals court overturns ruling to release Proposition 8 tapes

A federal appeals court said Thursday that videotapes covering the historical Perry v. Brown tiral surrounding California’s Proposition 8 ruling would be kept private, thereby overturning a lower court decision that would have allowed the tapes to be released publicly. The announcement comes as a victory for supporters of Proposition 8, serving meanwhile a disappointment…

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Washington passes same-sex marriage bill

The Washington state Senate passed a same-sex marriage bill Wednesday with a 28-21 vote. Now the measure awaits passage in the Washington House of Representatives. If the measure passes into legislation, Washington will be the seventh state to allow gay and lesbian marriages. Gov. Chris Gregoire has supported the measure and she is expected to…

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Romney’s support for anti-gay groups revealed in tax returns

Just two weeks ago, Mitt Romney said in New Hampshire that he opposed discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. Yet his tax returns tell a different story. In 2006, Romney donated $10,000 to the Massachusetts Family Institute and $25,000 to the Beckett Fund – two anti-gay organizations focused on the “protection” of marriage…

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