New study reveals 2017’s safest cities in America

With fears of falling victim to cybercrime and mass shootings topping the list of crime worries among Americans, according to the most recent Gallup polls, the personal-finance website WalletHub took an in-depth look at 2017’s Safest Cities in America. To determine where Americans can feel most protected against life’s hazards, including nonphysical forms of danger,…

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Local author contributes to writing project promoting safer sex

Walter G. Meyer, the author of the critically-acclaimed and Amazon best-selling novel, Rounding Third, has contributed a short story to the Real Story Safe Sex Project using the characters from his novel to make a point to teens and twenty somethings about discussing—and practicing safer sex. “The whole point of the Real Story Safe Sex…

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Game of Thrones

dvr this HBO, Sunday, April 6, various times The international phenomenon about warring factions in a land somewhat like medieval England features bloody sword fights, a great deal of sex and dragons. It’s brilliant fun and often sublimely well-made and even profound. The acting, particularly by Peter Dinklage (as the dwarf Tyrion Lannister) and Maisie…

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SDUSD committed to new law for transgender students’ safety, equality

San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Board of Education President Kevin Beiser affirmed the district’s commitment to compliance with AB 1266, the new law that went into effect Jan. 1, which mandates safe and equal access for California’s transgender students in public, K-12 schools to facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms and athletic activities whose…

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LGBT Youth Conference prepares hundreds to change their schools

SAN FRANCISCO, – Hundreds of California students joined together Dec. 14 with the goal of ensuring all youth, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, have the opportunity to succeed in school. The 9th annual Youth Empowerment Summit (YES), hosted by the Gay-Straight Alliance Network of California and planned and led by youth, drew high…

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Speaker Pérez: ‘AB 1266 would keep transgender students safe’

SACRAMENTO – Following conservative groups obtaining the necessary number of signatures to place a referendum on the 2014 ballot for Assembly Bill 1266, which will allow transgender students in public schools to have access to sports teams and school facilities such as restrooms with respect to their gender identity, California State Assembly Speaker John A….

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