San Diego Gay News

Russia: ‘Don’t go there. We will not be silenced’

LGBT activists and allies worldwide released a video Thursday following Wednesday’s passage of a discriminatory Russian law that would impose fines and criminalization for reading, writing, speaking, or reporting on anything related to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. The video, released by, features a script written on plain paper over a famous…

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‘Grindr for Equality’ initiative launched to encourage LGBT activism

The popular geo-social networking app, Grindr, has launched a new initiative that will use their location-based technology to raise awareness about global LGBT issues. The initiative, ‘Grindr for Equality,’ is a social movement that is intended to provide assistance and promote action amongst its some 3 million LGBT members worldwide. Grindr first began its philanthropy…

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Russia looks to criminalize being gay, bisexual or lesbian

CURRENT WORLD AFFAIRS QUESTION: What do Russia, Uganda and Nigeria have in common? Other than the fact that all three are oil-producing countries (albeit Uganda as a fledgling oil producer), they are all involved in creating legislation banning homosexuality in one way or another. While Sharia law courts in northern Nigeria have already sentenced people…

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