Determining an equality ‘Return on Investment Index’

One of the newer data points available to punditocracy is New York Times columnist Nate Silver’s Return on Investment Index. By looking at polls, population and electoral votes (among other things), Silver determines the likelihood that one voter in a given state would decide a razor-thin election, and thus where campaigns might wisely spend their…

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Right about Roosevelt, Obama Dear Editor, I want to thank you for the article titled “Re-election could unleash new jobs plan” on page 4 of the Sept. 27 issue. For those of us who know and love New Orleans, we knew before Katrina that the federal “levy protection system” was bullshit. I also believe that…

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Chick-fil-A president: ‘There’s no change in our practices’

(CNN) – A Chicago alderman says Chick-fil-A’s president is publicly contradicting what company executives personally assured him for months — that the fast-food chain is changing its stance on gay marriage — and he asked the company Sunday to clarify. Alderman Joe Moreno made news last week when he announced Chick-fil-A has ceased making donations…

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Malaysia drops ‘educating’ parents how to spot LGBT traits, will teach gay ‘prevention’

Malaysian Deputy Education Minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi said the government plans to go ahead with an effort to “prevent, overcome and correct symptoms of homosexuality in children,” but won’t – as it had planned to do prior to an international uproar in many western countries – publish a list of identifying characteristics for spotting potentially…

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