HRC releases new ad attacking Romney’s stance on gay rights (VIDEO)

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a new ad attacking Romney’s stance on gay rights. The HRC says the Republican presidential hopeful and his running mate, Paul Ryan, represent a “devastating leap backwards for LGBT Americans seeking full equality.” The ad features Romney’s previous appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN chat show, where he said: “The…

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It’s the Supreme Court, stupid! Dear Editor, No community has more at stake in this presidential election than the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. In Barack Obama, we have a Democratic candidate who has embraced full equality for LGBT people. We have a Republican candidate in Mitt Romney who is against the Employment…

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Log Cabin Republicans: Romney’s not perfect – but he’s not the monster some gays imagine

BY CASEY PICK, programs director and attorney for Log Cabin Republicans In response to the many comments about the Log Cabin Republicans‘ qualified endorsement of Mitt Romney, Casey Pick, programs director and attorney for Log Cabin Republicans replies with the following commentary: I knew what we were in for when Log Cabin Republicans made the…

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Exclusive interview: Lance Bass takes to the San Diego stage to fight for marriage equality

BY JONATHAN YOUNG Lance Bass is accustomed to being in the spotlight. He’s performed with the record-breaking NSYNC, trained to be an astronaut, cut a rug with swing dance champ Lacey Schwimmer on Dancing with the Stars and has revealed to the world he is gay with a cover story in People magazine – just…

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