Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry applaud Gingrich’s stance on marriage

NEW YORK — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich shifted his position on marriage for same-sex couples this week, urging Republicans to heed public opinion and move toward acceptance of the freedom to marry. Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry released the following statement: “Newt Gingrich‘s new position shows that when conservatives truly examine their…

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Obama for four more years. So the American public has voted and they have said “we want someone who cares about building the middle class.” What I love is the difference in the vote can be attributed to the LGBT community. The LGBT vote is 5 percent of the electorate. Given that the Republican Party…

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Presidential terms compared Dear Editor, I want to make two points about the presidential election. Firstly, during Bill Clinton’s eight years, my net worth went up 87.79 percent; under George W. Bush’s eight years, it went down 0.41 percent; and so far under Barack Obama, it has gone up 39.56 percent. At this pace, it…

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Secretly recorded video reveals Romney’s true thoughts: 47% of Americans are ‘victims’

WASHINGTON (CNN) –  Seven weeks before voters decide on their next president, a secretly recorded video threatens to further undo Republican candidate Mitt Romney by portraying him as out of touch with ordinary Americans. Taped with a hidden camera at a private fund-raising event in May, the video shows Romney telling his donors that nearly…

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