Transgender military ban fight: Plaintiffs hit back in Stockman v. Trump

LOS ANGELES  –The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) filed a response today in the Equality California case Stockman v. Trump challenging Trump’s transgender military ban in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Today’s court filing is the first in Stockman since Judge Kollar-Kotelly’s ruling last week in NCLR…

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Virginia legislator says trans opponent defies ‘Laws of Nature’

Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall, who is up for re-election next week, told Religious Right radio host Sandy Rios that he would not refer to his opponent, who is a transgender woman, by using her correct pronouns because he “never flunked biology” and understands the “laws of nature,” writes Jared Holt on Right Wing Watch. Marshall…

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‘Girls Lost’ — Swedish director Alexandra-Therese Keining explores transgenderism in this affecting, gender-bender flick from the acclaimed novel ‘Pojkarna’

Gender-bending as a cinematic device offers a fertile pasture upon which to graze. Many successful films over the years have explored the idea that we inherently embody both male and female identifies. To what extent they manifest themselves in our actual lives is really the luck of a DNA crap shoot. But it presents both…

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