San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus ‘Six Things to Know About the Sixties’

The 1960s was a tapestry of peace and war, protests and love-ins woven together on a backdrop of fluorescent, black-light butterflies.  Navigating was a trip unto itself.  So, to help audiences survive the decade once again at its new concert Feelin’ Groovy—Songs of the ‘60s, the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus has issued the following six “helpful hints.”…

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Elected officials square off in Tamale Making Contest at ‘Spirit of the Barrio’ fundraiser July 19

Family Health Centers of San Diego (FHCSD) will host a Tamale Making Contest at their July 19 Spirit of the Barrio fundraiser featuring elected official contestants. The contest is part of a special happy hour fundraiser that will include entertainment and FHCSD’s famous tamales. Contest participants will include: David Alvarez, Councilmember, City of San Diego District 8…

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‘Marriage Protection Amendment’ introduced in House (VIDEO)

Late Friday Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) and 28 conservative cosponsors introduced a federal constitutional amendment in the House of Representatives, which would define marriage in the United States as the union of one man and one woman. The proposed amendment stated, “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and…

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This weekend in San Diego: NOM hosts its anti-gay conference for college students

SAN DIEGO — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) will host its annual “It Takes A Family To Raise A Village” (ITAF) conference this weekend in San Diego, gathering some of the country’s most notorious anti-equality activists to peddle homophobic smears and misinformation to a group of college-aged students. On May 30 to June 1,…

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