Seven points

That is the amount by which David Alvarez lost the mayoral race to Kevin Faulconer. First, the LGBT community did not sell out. It voted overwhelmingly for David Alvarez in the “gayborhoods” of Hillcrest, North Park, University Heights and South Park. Meaning in most precincts Alvarez got more than 70 percent of the vote, just…

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The greater good

When it comes to the fight for LGBT civil rights, my philosophy has been, and will always be, the greater good for our community. Essentially, that means sometimes I vote for candidates that have philosophies that may negatively impact me personally, but will advance the cause of LGBT rights. For example, I have problems voting…

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A crisis of faith

Given the recent disasters around the globe, I was reminded of my mother’s crisis of faith after the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia where more than 227,000 people lost their lives. My mother asked fundamental questions like “Why would God kill all those people?” “They were not all evil, why were so many taken” or “Why…

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Commentary: patience on ENDA until the Supreme Court rules

There are leaders within the LGBT community that are extremely frustrated that President Obama has not issued an executive order eliminating discrimination in employment for our community. Those leaders are extremely shortsighted and do not fully understand the strategy of the Obama administration. First, an executive order can be overturned immediately by the next president…

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