LA LGBT Center CEO announces name change and $25 million expansion plan

Lorri Jean, CEO of the L.A. LGBT Center, announced Tuesday a name and logo change for the organization in addition to a $25 million expansion plan that will create an all-encompassing LGBT campus in the heart of Hollywood. Frontiers reported that Jean, with longtime Center supporters Lily Tomlin and philanthropist Anita May Rosenstein, announced…

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Indian transgender women campaign for motorists to use seat belts (VIDEO)

INDIA — A public service video campaign using transgender women to get motorists to use their seat belts while driving on Indian roads has gone viral on the InterneT, reports Almost 2 million people have watched the video of transgender women dressed as cabin crew exhorting Indian motorists at a traffic crossing to buckle…

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Kiss the cobra

Opting out of the rafting and a tribal overnight, we headed for the snake farm to observe the vipers, asps, cobras and other creepy crawlies being gaily fondled and petted. As I suspected, volunteers were soon requested to kiss the cobra. Yeah right! My partner jokingly (I think) attempted to raise my hand. A sole…

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SD LGBT Pride seeks local heroes for Spirit of Stonewall Award nominations

SAN DIEGO — In preparation for their 40th anniversary, themed Reflections of Pride, San Diego LGBT Pride’s is inviting the community to identify their unsung heroes who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allies for the annual Spirit of Stonewall Awards. The awards recognize individuals, couples and organizations who contribute significantly to the LGBT community though…

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New Utah attorney general will ‘spend whatever it takes’ to fight equal marriage

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes has told reporters that the state is ready to appeal US District Judge Robert Shelby’s landmark ruling by taking it to the US Supreme Court. Just minutes after being sworn in on Monday, Reyes said, “We’re willing to spend whatever it takes to protect the laws and the will of…

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Louisiana National Guard announces it will process same-sex benefits

All members of the Louisiana National Guard will now be able to apply for benefits at any Guard installation, including troops who are legally married to same-sex partners in other states. Equality Louisiana Research and Policy Coordinator, Matthew Patterson said about the new development, “This is a great day for married National Guard members in…

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