Obama: ‘I’m hopeful the Supreme Court comes to the right decision’

President Obama has expressed his hope that the U.S. Supreme Court make the “right decision” on the issue of same-sex marriage. Justin Snow reported in MetroWeekly that Obama said these remarks during an interview on Thursday with one of three YouTube creators at the White House. “My hope is that they go ahead and recognize…

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Immigration reform scorecard

Last week, President Obama used executive power to provide legal status to approximately 5 million undocumented immigrants. Now that the details are known, we can start scoring the winners and losers for this round of the immigration debate. Losers: Immigrants not covered by the action. Unfortunately, it’s hard to imagine a more inclusive immigration reform…

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GOP quick to condemn President Obama’s immigration reform

GOP lawmakers were quick to condemn President Barack Obama’s plan to dramatically increase deportation relief for an estimated 4.4 million undocumented immigrants, announced Thursday. In his speech Obama said, “The actions I’m taking are not only lawful, they’re the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican president and every Democratic president for the past…

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Obama on the election: ‘Americans want their leaders to work as hard as they do’

After a historic wave election that brought Republican control of the Senate and the largest GOP House majority since 1930, President Barack Obama pledged to work with Republican leaders Wednesday. Speaking to reporters from the East Room, Obama said, “Obviously, Republicans had a good night, and deserve credit for running good campaigns.” Obama continued, “What…

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President Obama says U.S. Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry

In an interview with The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin, President Obama has for the first time announced he believes the U.S. Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry in all fifty states.  This is a stark progression from the President’s previous position, which to allow each state to decide the issue individually.  President Obama…

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