A shot at redemption

Secretary Hillary Clinton’s return to the public eye has prompted discussion of why she lost the 2016 election. Clinton has placed some blame on former FBI Director James Comey, Russian interference and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Others point the finger at Clinton and her team, or the challenge from Sen. Bernie Sanders. If Democrats…

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Now is the time to protect science and the environment

Analyses of the 2010 Republican electoral wave put considerable importance on the rallies held during Congressional recesses. The newly dubbed “Tea Party” showed up at town halls to challenge President Obama’s agenda and strike fear into moderate Democrats and Republicans. They couldn’t stop the stimulus, Dodd-Frank or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but their organization…

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Bring on the ‘Gang of 19’

The Senate is continuing its downhill spiral. President Trump’s cabinet nominees are facing unprecedented opposition, with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos needing a vice presidential tie-breaker for confirmation. Democrats may filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination, possibly leading Republicans to end the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees and possibly legislation. How did things get so bad?…

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