Discrimination remains in sports hindering participation and achievement by LGBT athletes

One in four gay men said they had received verbal threats of harm or had been bullied while participating in sports and around 80 percent of people said they had witnessed such discrimination, according to a survey of 9,500 respondents. The findings were contained in ‘Out on the Fields’, released this week, which officials said…

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First international study on homophobia in sport released

On the one year anniversary of Michael Sam being drafted to the NFL (May 10), the world’s first international study on homophobia in sports has revealed widespread discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) Americans. Of particular note, given Sam’s story and ongoing debate around whether his career was impacted by homophobia, the study found gay male…

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Homophobia in sport to be measured internationally for the first time (VIDEOS)

The first international study on homophobia in sport, launched today, is set to shine a light on how often gay, lesbian and bisexual people face discrimination on and off the playing field. Researchers will also, gather ‘national data’ for the USA and then compare the United States with other countries. This will show which countries…

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