Equality Florida and NCLR issue memorandum to Florida clerks on issuing marriage licenses from Jan. 6, 2015

Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Equality Florida sent a six-page memo to the court clerks of Florida’s 67 counties. The memo explains why – notwithstanding contrary advice provided to the Florida Association of  Court Clerks and Comptrollers in legal memoranda from a private law firm dated July 1, 2014 and Dec….

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Fla. County Clerks face legal battles if they refuse to issue marriage licenses

As of Jan. 6, County Clerks across Florida have a legal obligation to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples – or risk expensive litigation, including liability for damages and attorney fees. In refusing to extend a stay that expires on Jan 5th, the US Supreme Court smacked down the last ditch effort by Attorney General…

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