Former President Clinton to receive ‘Advocate for Change’ Award from GLAAD

(CNN) — Former President Bill Clinton will be the first recipient of GLAAD’s “Advocate for Change” award at the organization’s Media Awards in Los Angeles. “During his administration, Clinton became the first U.S. president to appoint out gay and lesbian people to all levels of government.” GLAAD officials said in a statement. “President Clinton’s support…

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New-York Historical Society to present exhibition ‘AIDS in New York: The First Five Years’ June 7 – Sept. 15

NEW YORK — The early history of the AIDS epidemic in New York City—from the first rumors in 1981 of a “gay plague” through the ensuing period of intense activism, clinical research, and political struggle—will be the subject of a major new exhibition at the New-York Historical Society, AIDS in New York: The First Five…

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