NYT creates weekly compilation of bias-motivated incidents in wake of Trump presidency

Since November, The New York Times’ Editorial Board has been chronicling the disturbing incidents of hate crimes and harassment around the country. In its most recent weekly installment, the Times relates the details of a violent attack on a black transgender man on a Manhattan subway, and several troubling anti-Semitic and racist incidents. The following…

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Trump mocks reporter with disability, then demands an apology (VIDEO)

Donald Trump is under fire again, this time for mocking a New York Times reporter that suffers from a disability. The reporter, Serge Kovaleski, suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. Watch the video above. Thursday, Trump denied that he had done so and accused the reporter of “using his disability…

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White House Pride Reception to include transgender military attendees

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Six SPARTA members will be attending the White House’s annual LGBT Pride Month Reception. Two actively serving transgender service members will attend the Reception Wednesday, June 24. Upon receiving his invitation, Air Force Senior Airman Logan Ireland notified his command, who authorized a policy exception to allow him to attend in male dress…

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Active duty servicemembers come out publicly as transgender; risk discharge (VIDEO)

Active duty United States Airman Logan Ireland and his fiancée, U.S. Soldier Laila Villanueva came out publicly today as being transgender in an exclusive New York Times Op-Doc,Transgender, at War and in Love. The Op-Doc, produced by Fiona Dawson, creator of “TransMilitary,” a platform for transgender service members, profiles the transgender airman, who recently completed…

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Full page ad in ‘The New York Times’ highlights Israel as a haven for gay rights

NEW YORK – Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, executive director of This World: The Values Network, and Stand With Us have taken out a full page ad in The New York Times to highlight  Israel as a nation that respects the rights of gay citizens. The ad exposes violence and oppression inflicted on LGBT communities by Hamas, ISIS and Iran….

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New York Times columnist apologizes for attending fundraiser for anti-gay legal group

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat apologized for appearing at a fundraising event for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), an extreme anti-gay legal group working to criminalize homosexuality, reports Media Matters For America in their latest post. On October 16, Douthat spoke at “The Price of Citizenship: Losing Religious Freedom in America,” an event held by…

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‘Queerly Beloved:’ How a couple survived transition and kept their queer identities

Imagine if, after fifteen years as a lesbian couple, your partner turned to you and said, “I think I’m really a man.” What would you do? How would you respond? For Diane and Jacob (née Suzy) Anderson-Minshall this isn’t a hypothetical question. It’s what really happened. Eight years later, the couple not only remains together,…

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New poll puts support for marriage equality at 56 percent, including historic 40 percent of Republicans

WASHINGTON – A new poll out this week from the New York Times and CBS News shows that 40 percent of Republicans support marriage equality, further indication that Americans are moving steadily in one direction on the issue.  Less than two years ago, just 24 percent of Republicans said they thought it should be legal…

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