DOJ filing on Title VII: ‘Another step in a campaign against the civil rights of so many communities’ (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Friday on News One Now,  guest host Ray Baker interviewed Harper Jean Tobin, the policy director of the National Center for Transgender Equality about the Department of Justice having filed an unsolicited amicus brief on Wednesday stating that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not cover job discrimination based…

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New survey shows need to protect transgender youth from conversion therapy

SAN FRANCISCO — Today, the National Center for Transgender Equality released the findings of the U.S. Transgender Survey, the largest survey of transgender people in the United States.  Conducted in 2015, the anonymous, online survey examines the experiences of 27,715 adults from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as three U.S….

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