HRC releases new ad attacking Romney’s stance on gay rights (VIDEO)

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a new ad attacking Romney’s stance on gay rights. The HRC says the Republican presidential hopeful and his running mate, Paul Ryan, represent a “devastating leap backwards for LGBT Americans seeking full equality.” The ad features Romney’s previous appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN chat show, where he said: “The…

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Happy Halloween!

I thought it might be fun to take a stab at the costumes that should be worn by some of our politicians this season. Don’t be surprised if some of my suggestions actually end up getting worn by our local politicians. Keep your eyes peeled at Nightmare on Normal Street. Weather vane: Mitt Romney Romney…

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Log Cabin Republicans: Romney’s not perfect – but he’s not the monster some gays imagine

BY CASEY PICK, programs director and attorney for Log Cabin Republicans In response to the many comments about the Log Cabin Republicans‘ qualified endorsement of Mitt Romney, Casey Pick, programs director and attorney for Log Cabin Republicans replies with the following commentary: I knew what we were in for when Log Cabin Republicans made the…

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HRC report highlights Romney’s reality gap on LGBT issues

WASHINGTON – Ahead of tonight’s presidential debate The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has compiled an extensive report tracking Mitt Romney’s increasingly anti-LGBT attitude. Mitt Romney may face questions regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality during the debate and if his past remarks are an indicator, he is likely to mask his anti-LGBT policies…

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Secretly recorded video reveals Romney’s true thoughts: 47% of Americans are ‘victims’

WASHINGTON (CNN) –  Seven weeks before voters decide on their next president, a secretly recorded video threatens to further undo Republican candidate Mitt Romney by portraying him as out of touch with ordinary Americans. Taped with a hidden camera at a private fund-raising event in May, the video shows Romney telling his donors that nearly…

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