‘Open for Business Coalition’ begins new effort to block anti-gay laws

WASHNGTON, D.C.—The Open for Business Coalition, comprised of some of the nation’s leading business associations, has formed to actively oppose the so-called “Religious Freedom Bills” that are really anti-gay bills and are currently before several state legislatures. The coalition formalized its efforts as Miss. Gov. Phil Byrant signed his state’s version of the bill. Many…

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Michael Sam’s coming out provokes (mostly positive) reaction from around the Web

Michael Sam, the first Division I college football player in history to come out as gay, has generated a firestorm of opinion on the Internet after announcing on ESPN that he is, in fact, a “proudly open gay man.” While the reaction has been mostly positive, publicly anyway, there have been significant pockets of resistance…

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University of Missouri’s Michael Sam makes history as first Division I football player to come out (VIDEO)

University of Missouri’s, Michael Sam has made history by becoming the first Division I college football player in history to come out as gay. Sam, 24, who was named the 2013 SEC Defensive Player of the Year and a first-team all-SEC selection during his senior year at Missouri, is projected to be chosen in the early…

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Missouri man charged with spreading HIV Virus, 300 feared infected

A 36-year-old Missouri man has been charged with a felony of recklessly endangering other people’s lives after his roommate and on-again, off-again lover discovered he was HIV-positive. David Mangum, who lives in the small community of Dexter, was charged in Stoddard County Circuit Court in southeastern Missouri. Magnum is jailed on a $250,000 cash-only bond….

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