Huckabee launches presidential bid; HRC highlights his long record of opposition to LGBT equality

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announced his bid today for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Huckabee, who is popular with the religious right, shared the news of his candidacy with supporters in his hometown of Hope, 113 miles southwest of Little Rock. “I was raised to believe that where a person started doesn’t mean that’s…

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Mike Huckabee defends ex-gay therapy, warns gay rights will outlaw Christianity

In a conference call with conservative pastors yesterday organized by the anti-gay Family Research Council, Mike Huckabee let loose with a litany of falsehoods about how marriage equality will lead to the “criminalization of Christianity” and demanded that states simply defy the Supreme Court if it strikes down bans on same-sex marriage, reports Right Wing…

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The religious right would do better to share the streets

Politicians, pundits and preachers arguing in favor of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) have coalesced behind a metaphor: Tolerance is a two way street. All they want is the same respect for religion that the LGBT community is requesting for sexual orientation and gender identity. In their view, LGBT activists are on the march, aggressively…

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GOP civil war: Huckabee demands Republicans ‘Grow A Spine’ and oppose marriage equality (VIDEO)

Media Matters For America latest post reveals how Fox News host Mike Huckabee advised Republicans to “grow a spine” and oppose marriage equality, blasting court rulings overturning same-sex marriage bans as “the betrayal of our Constitution.” During an October 7 interview with the anti-gay American Family Association’s radio program, Huckabee said that he’s “utterly exasperation…

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Chick-fil-A president: ‘There’s no change in our practices’

(CNN) – A Chicago alderman says Chick-fil-A’s president is publicly contradicting what company executives personally assured him for months — that the fast-food chain is changing its stance on gay marriage — and he asked the company Sunday to clarify. Alderman Joe Moreno made news last week when he announced Chick-fil-A has ceased making donations…

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