Media Matters Launches ‘Mythopedia’ (VIDEO) WASHINGTON — Today, Media Matters for America launched Mythopedia – a new tool for fighting back against right-wing misinformation. Mythopedia is a simple fact checker that concisely debunks persistent conservative lies. The site launched with 400 entries of common conservative myths with new fact-checks added in real time. Media Matters made this announcement ahead of the Conservative…

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Fox responds to veto of Ariz. anti-gay bill by hosting anti-gay hate group leader

From Media Matters For America comes their  latest post on the media’s coverage of Arizona’s anti-gay bill: Fox News dedicated its first segment on Gov. Brewer’s veto of Arizona’s anti-gay bill to an interview with one of America’s most notorious anti-gay hate group leaders. Feb. 26, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced that she had vetoed Senate…

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GLAAD Global Voices Program to recognize international LGBT advocates at 25th annual GLAAD Media Awards

NEW YORK  – GLAAD, the world’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) media advocacy organization, today acknowledged international advocates working through the media to advance equality across the globe, by announcing the inaugural International Advocate for Change Award to be presented at the 25th Annual GLAAD Media Awards. The announcement comes as the world’s…

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California school officials debunk right-wing lies about transgender student law

Media Matters for America reports  how, during discussions with Equality Matters, officials from a number of California’s largest school districts pushed back against right-wing misinformation about a new state law guaranteeing transgender students access to proper facilities and programs. Evidence continues to mount that a new California law allowing transgender public school students to use the restroom facilities…

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HRC launches ‘Americans for Marriage Equality Communications War Room’

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign today announced a Communications War Room for Americans for Marriage Equality – a coalition to advance marriage equality nationwide and provide up-to-the-minute information for lawmakers, legal experts, media, and grassroots supporters. Following the defeat of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8 last year, new marriage equality…

Read More’s Shapiro: Hollywood’s ‘Hatred of Biblical Values’ will doom marriage equality

Media Matters for America’s latest post about how Editor-At-Large Ben Shapiro predicted that Hollywood, which he credits with shifting American public opinion in favor of marriage equality, will soon push sentiment in the other direction. He bases this assertion on the assumption that the weddings of 33 same-sex and opposite-sex couples at the 56th annual…

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Lady Gaga enables social media followers to embrace their differences while deepening the perceived relationship, MU study finds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – According to recent statistics, more than 175 million tweets are sent daily, and 11 accounts are created every second on Twitter. One celebrity who boasts the highest amount of global subscribers is singer Lady Gaga who enjoys more than 40 million Twitter followers. Now, University of Missouri communication researchers have found that…

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