LGBT leaders call on House GOP to stop wasting tax dollars defending DOMA

WASHINGTON – Today the leaders of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organizations called on the House Republican leadership to stop funding the legal defense of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  DOMA forbids the federal government from recognizing the marriages of lawfully wedded same-sex couples, legally married in states…

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A perfect look into gay life gone by

Change is good. It might be uncomfortable, especially if you like the status quo, but it’s good. Without change, we’d still be traveling on horseback, wearing crinolines and communicating via letters. No change, no out-of-season vegetables or sushi restaurants. We’d live without TV and Internet, and die of diseases that are now curable. Change is…

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Union alleges Boeing intending to deny equal benefits to married same-sex couples in Washington

Despite the recent passage of same-sex marriage in Washington a union is alleging that Chicago-based aerospace company Boeing is intending to deny equal pension benefits to married same-sex couples in the state. The Windy City Times reported that The Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) executive director, Ray Goforth said that despite Boeing’s progressive…

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