Zach Wahls - Same-Sex Marriage You Tube video

Zach Wahls to co-chair ‘Outspoken Generation’: Gay Parents’ Initiative for Adult Children

The Iowa student who made national headlines for his impassioned speech to Iowa legislators on same-sex marriage will take his activism to a national level according to reports at The Huffington Post. Zach Wahls, whose YouTube video went viral as the most-watched political clip in 2011, will serve as c-chair for “The Outspoken Generation,” the…

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San Diego Gay News - Catholic/same-sex marriage law

Seattle archbishop urging Catholics to work to overturn gay marriage law

Seattle (CNN) — Seattle Archbishop J. Peter Sartain is encouraging Catholics to gather signatures and sign petitions to overturn the state’s new gay marriage law. Greg Magnoni, communications director for the Archdiocese of Seattle, said, “This is an issue campaign. It is not a candidate campaign so we are allowed to participate in issue campaigns,…

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