HRC calls out top anti-marriage donor in Maryland as active in white supremacist, secessionist causes

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is calling on the Maryland Marriage Alliance (MMA) to return the $10,000 donation of Michael Peroutka, an active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer who was one of the three largest individual donors to the campaign against marriage equality in Maryland. HRC also calls on the Maryland Catholic Conference,…

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City of Seattle likely to give marriage stipend to same-sex couples

Seattle (KCPQ) – Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn is expected to announce new benefits for gay and lesbian city employees who get married under Washington’s new marriage equality laws. According to reports, gay and lesbian city employees will receive a monthly stipend to cover healthcare expenses for their spouse. McGinn and city council members are expected…

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Union alleges Boeing intending to deny equal benefits to married same-sex couples in Washington

Despite the recent passage of same-sex marriage in Washington a union is alleging that Chicago-based aerospace company Boeing is intending to deny equal pension benefits to married same-sex couples in the state. The Windy City Times reported that The Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) executive director, Ray Goforth said that despite Boeing’s progressive…

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