Independence Party of Minnesota joins campaign to defeat anti-gay marriage amendment

The Independence Party of Minnesota announced Tuesday its intent to join the campaign to defeat a ballot measure that, if passed, would amend the Minnesota Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. As one of three political parties in the state with majority status, the party plans to actively campaign against the recently-passed ballot initiative in hopes…

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Gay Magazine - San Diego

Maine gay rights supporters petition to put gay marriage on the ballot

LGBT rights advocates in Maine gathered more than 5,000 signatures this weekend for a petition to put gay marriage on the 2012 ballot. In coordination with local gay rights organization Equality Maine, same-sex marriage supporters rallied throughout the state to collect signatures and educate the public about marriage equality. According to the Houston Chronicle, volunteers…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

Rhode Island gay-rights advocate dies at 55

LGBT-rights activist and gay marriage advocate Patricia Baker lost her battle with lung cancer Sunday at age 55. The Rhode Island native was a local champion for the gay community, working tirelessly to achieve federal recognition of same-sex marriage throughout the country. According to the Providence Journal, Baker fought diligently to achieve marriage equality despite…

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San Diego Gay Magazine

Michael Irvin: “If my brother is wearing ladies’ clothes, am I going to be doing that?”

Michael Irvin, a Dallas Cowboy superstar and prizeholder to three Superbowl wins, joins Ben Cohen, Hudson Taylor, Mike Chabala, and Nick Youngquest as the latest ally to support gay rights and marriage equality. And now, in his recent interview and cover shoot at OUT Magazine, Irvin emerges as much more than a football legacy:  rather,…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

Trump’s Past Support for Gay Community Could Sink Conservative Presidential Bid

Whether developed in earnest or as a massive publicity stunt, Donald Trump’s purported intention to court the Republican presidential bid for 2012 is no secret to the media. However, according to, Trump’s decision to launch his campaign in the hard-line conservative hotbed of Iowa may spell doom for his candidacy. Despite recent and highly…

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