Hundreds expected to gather at San Diego federal courthouse to urge the Supreme Court for marriage equality

SAN DIEGO, United States federal courthouse, 880 Front Street – Supporters of marriage equality will gather today at 6 p.m. at Union Street and West Broadway in advance of the U.S. Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in two historic cases that examine whether gay and lesbian Americans should have the same opportunities as everyone else….

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New study shows resistance to marriage equality diminishing, isolated to narrow groups

Freedom to Marry has released a new analysis of national polling data and trends on the freedom to marry by Joel Benenson, a leading Democratic pollster, and Dr. Jan van Lohuizen, a top Republican pollster. The acclaimed pollsters analyzed exit polls from the 2012 election and recent surveys to compile a document demonstrating that the well-documented…

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Huntsman: Republicans should embrace marriage equality

Today, former Utah governor and ambassador to China Jon Huntsman published an op-ed in the American Conservative urging his fellow Republicans to get on board with the majority of Americans who support marriage equality. Huntsman wrote: While serving as governor of Utah, I pushed for civil unions and expanded reciprocal benefits for gay citizens. I did so…

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