San Diego Log Cabin Republicans see ‘showing up’ as part of reboot strategy

BY VICTOR HOFF Last night at the Diversionary Theater about fourteen members of the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) met as part of their ‘reboot’ strategy to increase membership, return the local chapter to viability and strategize on ways to better integrate the organization into the shifting dynamics of a Republican Party in flux….

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Social conservatives block Republican gay groups from CPAC

BY ALEX ZADEL Alex Zadel is an intern at Political Research Associates. The two most prominent LGBTQ organizations in the conservative movement, GOProud and the Log Cabin Republicans, are getting the cold shoulder from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Since 1973, CPAC, hosted annually by the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), has attracted thousands…

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Demographics. A simple word that everyone in America will come to love or hate. Why? The fundamental election principles in America are no longer valid. No longer are white Americans the head of the electoral process. Do I say that gleefully? Yes. I am happy that politicians will be forced to address the diverse needs…

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Log Cabin Republicans: Romney’s not perfect – but he’s not the monster some gays imagine

BY CASEY PICK, programs director and attorney for Log Cabin Republicans In response to the many comments about the Log Cabin Republicans‘ qualified endorsement of Mitt Romney, Casey Pick, programs director and attorney for Log Cabin Republicans replies with the following commentary: I knew what we were in for when Log Cabin Republicans made the…

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