Gay News - San Diego

Westboro Baptist Church ‘stages’ picket of Whitney Houston funeral

Though the Westboro Baptist Church vowed to picket Whitney Houston’s funeral this weekend, the group was a no-show at the Newark-based memorial for the deceased singer. But that didn’t stop Margie J. Phelps, daughter of the church’s founder, from virtually picketing the funeral with what appears to be Photoshopped image of the church rally, although…

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San Diego gay news

Tennessee ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill gains foothold after passage in state House

The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill advances in Tennessee today following its approval in the state House subcommittee. The bill, if passed, would prohibit the discussion of LGBT issues within the confines of a public school classroom including any subject pertaining to LGBT sexual education. The pending bill would give supporters parental control over how to…

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Political myth busting

From contraception to same-sex marriage, the past two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind in progressive politics on a variety of levels. Rather than the wins and losses, I’d like to take on a few potentially dangerous myths before they fester into facts. President Obama planned to force religious entities to fund contraception…

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