Fletcher Supporters Send Out Mailer Slamming Filner on DOMA; Dems for Equality Demand Repudiation

BY THOM SENZEE In a political mailer emblazoned with the words, “If you hate DOMA, blame Filner,” a locally-based lobbying group for the liquor store industry is pointing an accusatory finger at Rep. Bob Filner (D-San Diego) as being responsible for the existence of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), part of which, coincidentally today…

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Obama camp pits president vs. Romney on LGBT rights

WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Barack Obama’s recent decision to support same-sex marriage was the lead selling point against Mitt Romney in the president’s campaign announcement last week of a new drive to court the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (LGBT) community. “The choice we’re facing as a country and a community could not be clearer,” said Joe Solmonese, a…

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