
What’s wrong with washboard abs that are pale and hairy? Dear Editor: The “Shirtless by August” article in the June 28 issue does a disservice to our community with its shaming message that we are not attractive unless we have tanned, hairless, washboard abs. The article also contains inaccurate information and unsafe advice. The section…

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‘LGBT Weekly’ Pride Star: And the winner is …

Last month, San Diego LGBT Weekly asked readers, “Who is your LGBT Pride Star?” After sifting through nominations, we ended up with three finalists: Congresswoman Susan Davis; LGBT Weekly writer and local LGBT community activist, Will Kennedy-Rodriguez and fellow activist and community volunteer, Brandon Tate-McWilliams. The winner is Tate-McWilliams; chosen on account of his long…

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HIC seeks funds to archive rare material

The Homosexual Information Center (HIC), one of the oldest gay and lesbian non-profit organizations in the nation, is seeking funds to cover basic operational expenses to process and archive rare newsletters, clippings and correspondence – some dating back to the early 1950s – and make them publicly accessible through California State University Northridge, the Center…

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Bursting with fresh starts

The LGBT community has made tremendous progress toward equality during the last decade. With much more to accomplish, one of the most tragic issues lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities locally, nationally and globally face, is youth homelessness. Our community’s youth continue to face severe and heart-wrenching challenges and difficulties. “Think of it this way,”…

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Boehner DOMA gay marrage same sex marriage

DOMA: Attorneys for Boehner file an appeal in Supreme Court

Attorneys for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after it ruled the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional the Washington Blade is reporting. Drew Hammill, spokesperson for Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), told the news source that House Republicans notified the Democratic leadership counsel that an appeal was filed…

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