Secretly recorded video reveals Romney’s true thoughts: 47% of Americans are ‘victims’

WASHINGTON (CNN) –  Seven weeks before voters decide on their next president, a secretly recorded video threatens to further undo Republican candidate Mitt Romney by portraying him as out of touch with ordinary Americans. Taped with a hidden camera at a private fund-raising event in May, the video shows Romney telling his donors that nearly…

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National religious leaders support SB 1172 to end dangerous abuse of minors

A coalition of more than 30 national religious leaders gathered by Gaylesta, an LGBTQ psychotherapy association that provides mental health services including therapist referrals, education and consultation and Rev. Rebecca Voelkel, faith work director for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund and convenor of the National Religious Leadership Roundtable, have endorsed Senate Bill 1172,…

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Church group: bullying is not ‘okay,’ but neither is being gay ‘okay’

A church group has produced what they describe as “a simple flyer for your older grade school or middle school children about homosexuality?” Mission: America, a Christian ministry, publication and Web site founded by Linda Harvey, has produced the new “guide” to teach parents on how to talk to kids about homosexuality. Authored by Harvey,…

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