Victory Fund endorses Dwayne Crenshaw for City Council

SAN DIEGO – The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund today announced its endorsement of San Diego LGBT Pride’s executive director, Dwayne Crenshaw, in the upcoming special election for the District 4 City Council seat created by the resignation of Tony Young. “Dwayne Crenshaw stands out for his leadership on advancing issues of fairness and equality for…

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LGBT workplace protection bill passes Virginia Senate

RICHMOND, Va. – Senate Bill 701, a measure to protect Virginia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender state employees from workplace discrimination, passed today with a 24-16 vote in the Senate.  Now, the bill moves forward to the House of Delegates. “We’re going to press forward with this momentum,” said Senator Adam Ebbin, a chief patron…

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CDC releases data on interpersonal and sexual violence by sexual orientation

The first set of national prevalence data on intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence (SV), and stalking victimization by sexual orientation was released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study found that lesbians and gay men reported IPV and SV over their lifetimes at levels equal to or higher than…

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Women in battle stirs up debate

(CNN) — readers snapped to attention at Wednesday afternoon’s announcement that the Pentagon was planning to open combat roles to women. Commenters who identified themselves as male and as veterans overwhelmingly — but certainly not unanimously — opposed the change. The story’s very first comment raised the question of pregnancy’s effect on battle readiness…

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dvd of the week The second animated film by Tim Burton to be nominated for an Oscar, Frankenweenie has more flashes of brilliance in it than anything he has done in more than a decade. It is the story of a strange, nerdy boy – both a budding filmmaker and a genius scientist – who…

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