Indiana students want separate prom that bans gay students(VIDEO)

SULLIVAN, Ind. – In an astounding display of bigotry some parents, students and clergy in Sullivan, Ind. want a separate high school prom banning gay and lesbian students. WTWO reported that a group of supporters met Sunday at the Sullivan First Christian Church, in Sullivan County, to plan a separate “traditional prom” for Sullivan High…

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Napolitano: ‘Homeland Security and Coast Guard stand with Dept. of Defense on extension of benefits to military same-sex partners’

Today, Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano issued the following statement with regard to the extension of benefits to military same-sex partners: “Today I directed U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Robert Papp to implement the extension of benefits for same-sex domestic partners of Coast Guard Service members in accordance with today’s announcement by the Department…

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Oregon United for Marriage formed to secure freedom to marry for all Oregonians(VIDEO)

Today, Oregon United for Marriage established a petition committee with the Secretary of State’s office with the goal of qualifying the “Freedom to Marry and Religious Protection Initiative” for the November 2014 election. The measure asks voters to make it legal for gay and lesbian couples to marry in Oregon. “We have worked tirelessly to…

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Dutch couple sues for recognition of their same-sex marriage in Austria

TYROL, Austria – Chretien van der Leest and Edwin Veldt are Dutch citizens living in Tyrol, Austria where they run holiday homes. When the Netherlands legalized marriage for same-sex couples in 2001, the couple married. However in Austria, based on a decree by the Austrian minister of the interior van der Leest and Veldt’s marriage…

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Panetta to extend additional benefits to same-sex partners of servicemembers

WASHINGTON – Today Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta has announced that the Department of Defense  will be extending additional benefits to same-sex partners of servicemembers. Panetta also stated that while the Defense of Marriage Act still remains law the Department faced legal limitations in regard to extending full benefits. Panetta’s statement follows: “Seventeen months ago, the…

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The White House explains how the sequester would impact middle class families, jobs and economic security

Unless Congress acts by March 1, a series of automatic cuts—called a sequester—that threaten thousands of jobs and the economic security of the middle class will take effect.  There is no question that we need to cut the deficit, but the president believes it should be done in a balanced way that protects investments that…

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