Chief Justice Roberts’ lesbian cousin to attend same-sex marriage hearings

(CNN) — Jean Podrasky, a lesbian whose cousin happens to be Chief Justice John Roberts, will attend this week’s Supreme Court oral arguments on two cases dealing with same-sex marriage, CNN confirmed Monday. In an op-ed emailed to members of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Podrasky expressed optimism that her first cousin, a conservative,…

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Hundreds expected to gather at San Diego federal courthouse to urge the Supreme Court for marriage equality

SAN DIEGO, United States federal courthouse, 880 Front Street – Supporters of marriage equality will gather today at 6 p.m. at Union Street and West Broadway in advance of the U.S. Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in two historic cases that examine whether gay and lesbian Americans should have the same opportunities as everyone else….

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San Diego Log Cabin Republicans see ‘showing up’ as part of reboot strategy

BY VICTOR HOFF Last night at the Diversionary Theater about fourteen members of the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) met as part of their ‘reboot’ strategy to increase membership, return the local chapter to viability and strategize on ways to better integrate the organization into the shifting dynamics of a Republican Party in flux….

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