Changing my documented gender with the Department of Defense

During the past few years I’ve been changing my documented gender at various government agencies. I’ve obtained a court ordered change of documented gender with the state of California and used that court order to obtain a new birth certificate indicating I was born female. I also have provided required documents and followed specified procedures…

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National Cyber Security Alliance and LGBT Technology Partnership launch internet safety initiative for LGBT community

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a non-profit public-private partnership focused on helping all digital citizens stay safer and more secure online, today announced a new collaboration initiative with the LGBT Technology Partnership to encourage greater awareness about cybersecurity and safety issues for LGBT communities. The LGBT Technology Partnership works to provide…

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Russia’s anti-gay propaganda laws take dark, deadly turn

Since the enactment of anti-gay ‘propaganda’ laws that have overwhelmingly passed in some of Russia’s largest cities, the LGBT community is seeing a discernible rise in violent crimes. Recently, a young gay man, Vladislav Tornovoi, was brutally attacked then killed after he admitted to his drinking buddies that he was gay. In Volgograd, the 23-year-old…

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