Arrested Development

dvr this Netflix, Sunday, May 26 True, you can’t really DVR this, since Netflix is like a DVR in the sky. But the long awaited fourth season of Arrested Development arrives on Netflix Sunday with 15 new episodes available all at once. The style of this insanely wacky comedy about the dysfunctional Bluth family begat…

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Party like it’s 1983!

If you are on Facebook (duh!) then you might have noticed a recent weekly phenomenon that has come to be known as Throwback Thursday. It is an opportunity for “friends” to post an image of themselves from sometime in the past so that we can all laugh and/or go ahhh. Quite often the photo is…

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Military veterans, servicemembers and advocates call for equality ahead of Memorial Day (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON — In advance of Memorial Day, the Respect for Marriage Coalition hosted a call featuring Former Congressman, Army Captain and Iraq War Veteran Patrick Murphy, Outserve-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson, American Military Partner Association Director of Family Affairs Ashley Broadway and military widow Karen Morgan to highlight the harms of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on the nation’s military and to…

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Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation names Billy Bean as vice-chairman

ATLANTA — The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation today announced that former major league baseball player Billy Bean has been named vice-chairman of its board. He will focus on helping professional leagues and athletes at all levels commit themselves to the fairness, equality, dignity and respect that defines true sportsmanship. The Foundation, founded and chaired by rugby World Cup…

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