Wells Fargo joins with LGBT oganizations for Pride 2013 to amplify anti-bullying efforts (VIDEO)

http://youtu.be/VqxL-zUI80o SAN FRANCISCO — Wells Fargo & Company is set to kick off Pride 2013 with participation planned in more than 50 Pride events across the country. In some cities, including Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., Wells Fargo team members will march alongside several organizations focused on raising awareness for anti-bullying…

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Seattle community launches ‘30 Days Till Pride’ campaign, asking Space Needle to fly Rainbow Flag and respect workers

SEATTLE — A growing number of LGBTQ, immigrant rights and labor organizations are teaming up to ask the Space Needle to fly the Rainbow flag during Pride annually and settle its ongoing labor dispute with workers. For the next 30 days till Pride, these communities will launch an online petition as well as weekly direct actions….

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Presidential proclamation on LGBT Pride Month 2013

Today President Barack Obama signed the following proclamation regarding LGBT Pride Month, 2013. For more than two centuries, our Nation has struggled to transform the ideals of liberty and equality from founding promise into lasting reality. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans and their allies have been hard at work on the next great chapter of that…

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This weekend in San Diego: NOM hosts its anti-gay conference for college students

SAN DIEGO — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) will host its annual “It Takes A Family To Raise A Village” (ITAF) conference this weekend in San Diego, gathering some of the country’s most notorious anti-equality activists to peddle homophobic smears and misinformation to a group of college-aged students. On May 30 to June 1,…

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