Lady Gaga - MTV - LGBT Weekly

Russian official launches visa investigation against Lady Gaga, Madonna

Russian anti-gay lawmaker Vitaly Milonov appears to be sending a message to performing artists coming to Russia: speak out in favor of gay rights and be investigated. Milonov appears to have triggered an investigation into visits to the country by Lady Gaga and Madonna, both of whom made spectacles of Russia’s anti-gay laws during their performances. The…

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Same-sex marriage bill comes into force in Uruguay

Marriage equality takes effect in Uruguay today. Following Argentina, Uruguay is the second country in Latin America to have passed nationwide same-sex marriage legislation. President Jose Mujica signed the legislation in May, but it took 90 days to come into effect. The BBC reported that hours after the law came into effect, two gay men who…

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Actress Raven-Symonè comes out via Twitter

Actress Raven-Symonè publicly came out on Friday via Twitter. Raven-Symonè,  starred as Bill Cosby’s youngest child, Olivia Huxtable on The Cobsy Show, and later Disney’s That’s So Raven. “I can finally get married! Yay government! So proud of you,” wrote the 27-year-old actress. That’s So Raven is an American supernatural teen sitcom television series. It debuted on the Disney…

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Chicago Cubs celebrate induction into inaugural class of National Gay & Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame

CHICAGO – The Chicago Cubs will be inducted into the inaugural class of The National Gay & Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame this evening, joining other organizations, former pro sports officials, activists, journalists, retired athletes and current athletes. The National Gay & Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame selected the Cubs for being the first professional…

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Florida not expected to see same-sex marriage legalized anytime soon

Spurred on by two landmark Supreme Court victories, LGBT activists are pressing hard to overturn state bans on same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Virginia. But, warns Howard Simon, the executive director of ACLU of Florida, don’t expect any substantive changes in the near future for the sunshine state. “I don’t want to build…

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