Openly gay athletes support Houston Equal Rights Ordinance

With less than two weeks until Election Day in Houston, two openly gay athletes announced their support for the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), writes Hayley Miller on the HRC Blog. Retired NBA athlete Jason Collins, who spoke at HRC’s National Dinner earlier this month, tweeted his support. Michael Sam, the first openly gay player…

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San Diego Democrats for Equality endorse Atkins, Harris and DeCesare

After over two hours, three forums and four votes, the San Diego Democrats for Equality endorsed Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, Attorney General Kamala Harris, and Justin DeCesare on Thursday night. The evening began with a series of announcements, with the most applause going to retired Marine Colonel Doug Applegate, who is running against Rep. Darryl…

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NY Gov. Cuomo takes historic step to protect transgender New Yorkers from discrimination

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo took a bold step Thursday by extending vitally important non-discrimination protections to transgender New Yorkers and visitors in employment, housing, and public accommodations. In a historic move, Gov. Cuomo’s administration will be issuing regulations clarifying that gender identity is included in the definitions of sex and disability which are protected…

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GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis: LGBT acceptance in America still has a long way to go

Despite the legislative success of gay marriage this year, the LGBT community is still far from reaching universal acceptance in the United States, GLAAD Chief Executive Officer Sarah Kate Ellis said in a lecture at Princeton University this week. Fighting workplace discrimination and providing access to suitable restrooms for the trans community are two of…

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More than 150 organizations demand that Turing Pharmaceuticals lower cost of life-saving drug

Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) joined 151 other organizations from across the nation in signing an open letter to Turing Pharmaceuticals urging company CEO Martin Shkreli to immediately act on his promise to lower the price on Daraprim — a crucial and often lifesaving treatment for those living with HIV. “Physicians are reporting that…

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