
dvd of the week Amy, Asif Kapadia’s excellent and disturbing documentary about Amy Winehouse’s life, is composed entirely of home movies, television video and voice-over of interviewed friends and family. Chronically depressed as a teenager, which she blames on her parents’ divorce, she became bulimic and then self-medicated with alcohol and pot; when she was…

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Flesh and Bone

dvr this Starz, Sundays, 8 p.m. One of the writers of Breaking Bad decided to make a dark drama about ballet dancers, and the comparison to Black Swan are obvious. But Flesh and Blood is not about madness; it’s about struggle and ego. Sarah Hay plays Claire, destined for greatness on stage but harboring a…

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Just desserts

Everyone is up in arms about the recent defeat of a pro-LGBT law in Houston called the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance or HERO for short. The issue, known as Proposition 1, was intended to ban discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity by city and private employers, as well as in public accommodations. The…

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New GOP embraces gays Dear Editor: As a dedicated reader of GLBT online newspapers, including yours, I’m amazed by how endlessly hateful and intolerant the reporting is on the Republican Party. There is a new day for gay people in the GOP. Consider this: The Republican National Committee has removed all anti-gay planks from their…

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