HRC calls for investigation into Utah judge who removed foster child from same-sex couple

WASHINGTON — Friday, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) filed a formal complaint and called for a full investigation into now-infamous Utah Judge Scott Johansen, who is reported to have ordered a child removed from the home of her married foster parents because they are a same-sex couple. If Johansen ordered the child be removed because…

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Ted Cruz stages a ‘Rally for Religious Liberty’

Fresh off attending a conference whose host, Kevin Swanson, voiced support for the execution of gay people, Ted Cruz will stage a “Rally for Religious Liberty” in Greenville, South Carolina, today featuring a number of Religious Right activists who have referred to gay rights advocates as demonic enemies, reports Right Wing Watch. The rally is…

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Chelsea Manning responds to US government move to dismiss lawsuit seeking health care for gender dysphoria

NEW YORK – The Department of Justice has filed a brief in Chelsea Manning’s case against the United States government challenging her request to grow her hair beyond the two inches allowed by military regulation. Chelsea Manning is currently serving a 35-year prison sentence at the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. In…

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Watch: Tyler Oakley accepts the Davidson/Valentini Award at #glaadgala San Francisco

At the 2015 GLAAD Gala San Francisco, YouTube star Tyler Oakley received the Davidson/Valentini Award. The award is presented to an LGBT media professional who has made a significant difference in promoting equality and acceptance for the LGBT community. The award is named after Craig Davidson, GLAAD’s first executive director, and his partner Michael Valentini….

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SPARTA wins: Most impactful LGBT veterans organization

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In Wednesday’s first ever Veterans Awards Ceremony, “Mission Complete” presented SPARTA with the top award in the category of LGBT Veterans. The other four categories were: Veterans Mental Health, Veterans Community, Women Veterans, and Homeless Veterans. Over five hundred organizations were nominated, and narrowed down to three finalists in each category. Winners…

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