Politically Aware Awards 2015

Local Politician of the Year: Mayor Kevin Faulconer. How does the mayor win with the Chargers likely leaving San Diego and no Comic-Con approved Convention Center expansion? Simple. Despite those issues, he is a Republican poised to skate to re-election unopposed in a city with a plurality of Democrats. Two Democratic powerhouses, Councilmember Todd Gloria…

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This is your year

Hello readers! Welcome to my monthly column addressing the negative impact of addiction and mental health issues on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning community. My goal is to give you information designed to educate and guide you to your full potential. My first article was published in May of 2015, and I am…

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OUSTED: Hillcrest Business Association’s restraining orders target homeless

In an effort to reduce the impact of homelessness on local businesses, Hillcrest Business Association (HBA) now uses temporary restraining orders to ferret out people who are simply homeless from those who are homeless and pose a threat to their own safety and that of others because of severe mental illness or criminality. (hillcrestbia.org/clean-safe/homeless-outreach-program/) According…

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Looking for love in 2016?

Tricks, tips and insights into online dating safety from America’s leading dating coach Bela Gandhi When Michael Wright’s decomposing body was found in his Lexus SUV underneath bags of two-day old trash, wounds to the basketball player’s head allowed police to rule out suicide. That they were able to recover his phone, which was open…

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About the San Diego gay parolee killed by police

For the last year national media attention has focused on cities around the country and the shootings and killings of American citizens, mostly African Americans, by police. Some of these shootings have rightfully resulted in police officers being charged with murder, but most importantly it has shined a bright spotlight on many police departments’ racism…

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Welcome to 2016

We did it. In various stages of health, appearance and mental ability we have reached 2016. Congratulations! As I have said before dwelling on the negative is a waste of time and an emotional downer and I advised you to be a cup is half-full person especially as it applies to age-related issues and those…

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