UC San Diego Health and nation’s cancer centers endorse HPV vaccination for prevention

In response to low national vaccination rates for the human papillomavirus (HPV), Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health has joined 68 National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers in issuing a statement urging for increased HPV vaccination. With approximately 40 percent of girls and 21 percent of boys receiving the recommended three doses, these…

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Indiana’s ‘Super-RFRA’ dies in committee

Indiana’s Senate Bill 66 – an anti-LGBT “Super RFRA” that would create sweeping exemptions encouraging people to pick and choose which laws they’re going to follow, has reportedly died in committee. The proposal would have allowed anyone who claims a religious exemption the right to discriminate against LGBT Hoosiers, visitors and other minorities. The legislation…

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Assemblywoman Gonzalez announces human trafficking reform legislation

SACRAMENTO – California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) has announced human trafficking reforms that would for the first time in California, treat the buying and selling of sex separately, increasing penalties for those purchasing sex while decriminalizing prostitution for minors who are by definition being victimized. Assembly Bill 1708 would require a minimum fine and…

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GLAAD announces nominees for 27th annual GLAAD Media Awards

LOS ANGELES  – GLAAD today announced the nominees for its 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards, presented by Delta Air Lines, Hilton, Ketel One Vodka and Wells Fargo. The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate, and inclusive representations of the LGBT community and the issues that affect their lives. The GLAAD…

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New survey reveals Indiana lost at least $60 million due to RFRA fight last year

A brand new survey from Visit Indy is set to be released on Thursday that shows Indiana lost as much as $60 million in convention revenue alone because of last year’s disastrous and divisive Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) fight. As reported by the Associated Press late last night, “12 out-of-state groups were surveyed and…

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Oklahoma leads the nation in number of anti-LGBT bills

Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Freedom Oklahoma sounded the alarm on a barrage of anti-LGBT bills being pushed in the Oklahoma state legislature by anti-equality activists. With state lawmakers set to convene  Feb. 1 for the 2016 legislative session, at least 26 bills attacking LGBT Oklahomans and their families are already in the…

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LARA announce winners of the 9th Outmusic Awards

https://youtu.be/zp-TsqTXNbg The LGBT Academy of Recording Arts (LARA) has presented an online presentation of the nominees and winners of the 9th OUTmusic Awards on www.outmusicawards.com. The Nominee categories spanned across 21 categories from members of the Academy around the world. Below are some of the night’s biggest winners: Theme Song for the 9th OUTmusic Awards…

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HRC condemn South Dakota lawmakers vote in favor of legislation attacking transgender students

WASHINGTON – Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) expressed outrage at a vote by the South Dakota House State Affairs Committee in favor of discriminatory legislation targeting transgender students. By a vote of 10-3 this morning, the committee voted to advance HB 1008 to the House floor. The legislation seeks to prevent transgender students in…

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Film Independent selects 30 filmmakers for Project Involve; announces Lili Elbe Fellowship

LOS ANGELES — Film Independent, the non-profit arts organization that produces the Spirit Awards and the LA Film Festival, has selected 30 filmmakers for Project Involve, the organization’s signature diversity mentorship program which fosters the careers of talented filmmakers from communities traditionally underrepresented in the film industry. Film Independent also announced major new studio support…

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