Charlotte City Council approves non-discrimination ordinance establishing local protections for LGBT residents

Last night the Charlotte City Council voted to advance city-wide non-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity, in public accommodations, vehicles for hire and in government contracting. The ordinance passed by a vote of 7 to 4 with the strong support of newly-elected Mayor Jennifer Roberts, who has been a leading voice for…

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LGBTQ Task Force joins Amicus Brief in support of birth control coverage in the Affordable Care Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The National LGBTQ Task Force has joined 28 other local and national LGBTQ rights, civil rights, youth advocacy, and reproductive health, rights and justice organizations in filing an amicus brief in support of respondents in Zubik v. Burwell. The brief, co-authored by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) and the Reproductive Justice Clinic at New…

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Mental Health America announces 2016 Media Award recipients

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Mental Health America (MHA) has announced the recipients of MHA’s 2016 Media Award. Each year, MHA honors media professionals and outlets who excel in their reporting and portrayal of mental health issues in news and entertainment media. The awards will be presented Thursday, June 9 at the Media Awards Luncheon during Mental…

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New HRC report reveals unprecedented onslaught of state legislation targeting transgender Americans

WASHINGTON – Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) released a report detailing an alarming onslaught of legislation nationwide targeting transgender people, and particularly children. An unprecedented 44 anti-transgender bills are being considered in 16 states, and the quantity of these harmful bills is as striking as their diversity: some undercut the ability of transgender people to access gender-affirming health…

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SDHDF to send representatives to U.S. capitol for AIDSWatch 2016

SAN DIEGO – With this year’s presidential election underway, San Diego Human Dignity Foundation (SDHDF) has announced that in addition to supporting local agencies and programs through grants, the organization will be partnering with the San Diego HIV Funding Collaborative to support six consumers living with HIV/AIDS through the national advocacy initiative, AIDSWatch. This is…

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Advocacy groups call on Georgia lawmakers to put a stop to discriminatory ‘First Amendment Defense Act of Georgia’

WASHINGTON –  The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Georgia Equality have called on House Leadership and Gov. Nathan Deal to put a stop to the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act of Georgia,” H.B. 757. The bill, which  passed the Georgia Senate Friday by a vote of 38 – 14 goes far beyond protecting the right to practice…

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Study finds testosterone improves sexual activity, walking ability and mood in men over 65

As men age, their testosterone levels decrease, but prior studies of the effects of administering supplements of the hormone to older men have been inconclusive. Now, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and 12 other medical centers in the United States have shown that testosterone treatment for men over the age…

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