Recalling the first Pride parade Dear Editor, Reading about Pride always reminds me of this wondrous episode: Many years ago I went to work at the brand new SD AIDS Project as the director of volunteer and chaplain services and made strong connections with the clients as well as the volunteers; for many I was…

Letters: #NoJusticeNoPride protest San Diego Pride 2017
Eric Hufford aka Sister Iona Dubble-Wyde, founder of San Diego Remembers, Blue Dog Democrats of San Diego and Turn Your Back on Demaio, wrote this Letter to the Editor in response to Nicole Murray Ramirez’s July 6 commentary: “Will LGBT radicals shut down Pride parade?” Dear Sirs, Ma’ams or whatever you identify as, I am…
In response to ‘A stunning defeat’ (Nov. 10 issue 212) Dear Editor, I believe you (Stampp Corbin) are wrong, this is more a stunning victory for Mr. Trump. For you to blatantly and in a transparently racist rhetoric, lay your predominant blame with “angry white conservative voters, who also live among (amongst) us”, is nothing…
Re: LGBT affirmative tenants by Bill Hanson Dear Editor: In the Sept. 29 issue of your magazine, Mr. Hanson writes, in the above named article, that “we remember the movie The Bad Seed which was all about a lesbian relationship …” I would like to point out that The Bad Seed had nothing to do…
In response to Betty Owen’s Guest Commentary (issue 208 Sept. 15) Dear Editor, Thank you for publishing Betty Owen’s brilliant article. I have discovered yet another reason why the lottery application process for the new North Park, LGBT senior building is so unfair. Though the corporate-owned media has woefully neglected to report it, America’s primary…
Megalomania Dear Editor, Thanks for your (publisher’s) message on Donald Trump. You noted that a sign of his character is “… how much he uses the word ‘I.’” There is another narcissist much closer to home in the person of Nicole who probably has the same small hands. Last issue’s column total was 17 “I”s….
Letters Thank you for “In Celebration of Gay Dads” Dear Editor, What a great way to celebrate Father’s Day; an article that provides useful information for underserved dads everywhere. My son and his partner have struggled bravely with issues addressed in your article and I am so excited to know there is a whole community…

HBA honors Nancy – but why? Dear Mr. Younger, I am writing you out of concern and disgust over the flag at Normal Street flying at half-staff this week. I came across your email from the Hillcrest Business Association’s (HBA)Web site. If this is not a matter that you are involved with, if you would…
Letters Gay, GOP Dear Editor, I thought, when I came out in 2002 at 36 years old, I had made it past the judgment. The truth is, unless you follow a certain pattern in the LGBT community, it will be the community that judges you. We say we seek tolerance and acceptance, but the truth…