Gay San Diego

Gays can choose to be straight like priests choose celibacy, says Gingrich

Newt Gingrich has a new philosophy: gay people can choose to be straight like priests choose to be celibate. The presidential hopeful told the Des Moines Register editorial board that gays have a  “significant range of choice within a genetic pattern” and can therefore make choices as it relates to sexual orientation. When asked whether…

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san diego gay news

Senate Republicans filibuster ambassadorial candidate over LGBT editorial

Senate GOPers successfully filibustered the confirmation of an ambassadorial nominee, because she penned a pro-LGBT editorial that was published in the Spanish-language Salvadoran newspaper, La Prensa Grafica, according to the Washington Blade. The Obama administration sought confirmation of Mari Carmen Aponte as U.S. ambassador to El Salvador, but failed to secure her appointment after a…

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